Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Effects: Double click track icon

Loop Browser Button

Cycle Region - on the transport

Loop Pointer - top right of a loop region/block. drag it to the rig to repeat

TAKES indicator - top eft of a loop region/block. When recording a take continues to the end of a cycle

ALT drag to create a copy of the region

SPLIT: cursor position. Edit | Split

Track | Show Arrange Track
Drag to size of region you want, then double click to name

Select a track. Press A to add automation lanes to that track.
Now you can create envelopes for volume, pan, etc.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 2 - Practical

Script 1
- introduce yourself 30 secs
- review of points from lecture
- structure of a script
- review of first iteration

St. versus Saint
Reading is not good. Speaking /talking is. It’s more personal.
Nervous – get over this with practice
Confidence is good. Over Confident = arrogant = bad
Tongue n’ cheek – can be humorous but can be misinterpreted
Speaking fast -> short
First person / third person – text must be all the same
Targeted delivery: natural v put on
Short is easier to fix than long
Long leads to speaking too fast. Try rewording instead
Good ending – finish on laugh
Humor / not to offend

- Second iteration
Slowed down
Rhythm / flow
The way it’s written stops you saying it correctly – Use the Voiceover Script Template

– Use the Voiceover Script Template
rewrite script using this template

Week 2 - Lecture

Writing for the ear.
Script Writing

First Class

Overview of module content, requirements, practicals and assignments for the semester.

Module descriptor handed out in class.

Entertainment Systems

Welcome to the Entertainment Systems Students taking this module in semester 1 2009-2010.